So much has happened since I last wrote. Here's the quick version - spent Christmas in Rome, got sick before the New Year in Sorrento, was miserable, had an interesting experience with Italian medicine, flew home, spent Jan in the States, saw friends and family, spent time at the cabin, was able to get refreshed and grounded again and was ready for more traveling. I flew back to Italy, spent 3 weeks WWOOFing in Umbria - strange experience, survived the coldest temps in 30 years and the most snowfall in 40 years, lived with a type A Italian momma, 3 very rude boys and a guy who had to work in England for 10 days, yet I survived! I realized I liked the flexibility of coming and going that came with my travels, so I set out for another 3 weeks traveling around Italy. I revisited Florence and Sienna, went to Cortona, Assissi, and Cinque Terre, then made my way to Slovenia, spent time in Ljubljana and Lake Bled - beautiful!, was on a train to Coatia when everything changed. Long story short, I had overstayed my welcome in the EU (you are only allowed 90 days in a 6 month period without a visa) SO after getting pulled off the train, an embarrassing breakdown in front of the officer, filling out paperwork and paying a very hefty fine, I was allowed back ona train to Croatia. Meanwhile, I was making new plans for the next 3 months, until I was able to return to the EU.
In Croatia I visited Zagreb and Plivitce Lakes National Park. I had lots of fun walking between all the waterfalls and had time to think and reflect, then it was off to Istanbul. Istanbul was a challenge. I was not prepared for the aggressiveness of the people and found the area turned me into a bitter and rude traveler. I tried to sightsee, spent a long day with a soon-to-be stalker, bought an expensive carpet, and tried to avoid people. After a week in Istanbul, I was ready to come home. I flew to Boston and spent 2 weeks with Kitty and the family, including Easter at Big Indian! Then I returned to CO for 2 1/2 months, subbing until school let out, went to a good friend's wedding, saw lots of old friends, and planned this next Euro trip. Next up is 5 weeks in Eastern Europe finishing up travels I was supposed to do this past spring.
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